Département Climatisation
- Applications Hy-Gloo
- Who to choose Hy-Gloo?
- Technical specifications
- Technical options
- Dimensions, weight
- Test in laboratory
- Maintenance
- To construct its Hy-Gloo
- Video installation
- Hy-Gloo Integre version
- DDPA general
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Air-Conditioner HY-GLOO , air conditioning unit designed for use in vehicle cabins
Dimensions, weight air conditioner Hy-Gloo
....................... weight = 26 kg
Model Big Horizontal Evaporator HY7001 (grey) weight = 7,4 kg 800m3
boitier of order transported convict
Model Big Horizontal Evaporator HY7000 (black) weight = 7,4 kg 750m3
Horizontal Evaporator Model Small
HY7001 - weight = 5 kg 370m3
- Evaporateur Vertical HY7003 600m3/h - poids = 10 kg
Lowered Evaporator Verical 600m3 / h = 10 kg