Département Climatisation
- Applications Hy-Gloo
- Who to choose Hy-Gloo?
- Technical specifications
- Technical options
- Dimensions, weight
- Test in laboratory
- Maintenance
- To construct its Hy-Gloo
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- Hy-Gloo Integre version
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Air-Conditioner HY-GLOO , air conditioning unit designed for use in vehicle cabins
Air-conditioner Kubota Mini Excavator
Pose of the external part according to the choice of the client.
Hy-Gloo is put down on his silents-bloks screwed on in the part "sheeting" of the roof of cabin.
Open sea grafted by air and visibility kept by the upper skylight.
A vertical evaporator is put against the right paroie of the cabin after removal of the oil pan of exit of heating.
The heating of origin staying in functioning as planned by the constructor.
No modification.
After control of the alternator of origin, DDPA went about things has its replacement by a Sixty - five ampere alternator
The details of replacement and kit of adaptation appear in the "note of assemblage".
DDPA will be able to deliver special kit Kubota with any technical options and note